It's a great day for Grandma!

In my opinion, Erie should be the world capital of Bingo.

FULL STORY:Here's some exciting news for Grandma . . .

Today is National Bingo Day.And a new survey of 1,000 Americans ranked the ten states that love Bingo the most.

People in Nevada play it more than anyone . . . maybe because wagering money on it is easier.And Florida BARELY made the list, even though it has a lot of seniors.

The ten states that play the most Bingo are Nevada . . . Alabama . . . Kentucky . . . Tennessee . . . Indiana . . . Maryland . . . North Carolina . . . Minnesota . . . Connecticut . . . and Florida in 10th place.

73% of people in the survey said they've gotten a Bingo before . . . 77% think Bingo is fun . . . 89% said it's a good way to socialize . . . and 71% think it relieves stress.(???)(Fort Mason Games

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